I’ve always loved dance and dancing, In my 30’s I took some Salsa classes and did a short stint with ballroom dancing, both requiring willing partners which sadly I didn’t have. So I gave up. Then in my 40’s, I decided to try Belly dance when I saw Belly Up offering a free trial class. BINGO, I fell in love instantly and signed up for unlimited classes! Not only was it challenging mentally and physically, but Joharah and her students were all amazing AND I didn’t even need a partner!
I’ve never been a girly girl. In fact, as a young girl, teen and young adult, I took pride in being as tom boyish as possible (possibly as rebellion on my diva mom.. ha!) Training and riding horses as a profession for over a decade gave me a lean strong body, self confidence, and tons of scars & bruises I wore proudly. I also did not have too many girlfriends as I could not relate to fashion, makeup and all the diva things, and therefore felt intimated by women. Life has a funny way of working though, .. I got married, quit my horse jobs and started working in front of a computer. That, and a couple of kids later, and my body expanded by about 50 lbs I can’t seem to shed, and I developed body image issues.
So by chance, when I tried out bellydance, not only did I fall in love with the dance, but I found confidence in my body again, and as an added bonus, my inner DIVA!!! Who knew I would love makeup, glitter and fabulous clothes!!! And all the ladies at belly up are so friendly, and Joharah so supportive and positive, I actually enjoyed being around women, making new friends, and even performing. So much so, I got my 10 year old daughter Tara into it.. It only took a few lessons for her to truly enjoy the dance. She now shows off her moves at school dances, has found new confidence in herself and has even performed at one of the recitals!! I’ve even caught her practicing moves in her room when no one is looking!
Thank you Joharah & Belly Up for a great experience my daughter and I will continue to enjoy together for a long time.