A new year always marks a time when we can set a few goals for ourselves, look forward to achieving some new things and maybe embarking on a new exciting, journey with a newfound passion. Every year, I make a point of writing down a few personal objectives regarding my dance and how I want to grow within it and areas I wish to explore in addition to my teaching skills so I can continually be improving as an instructor and mentor to others. I find just thinking about these kinds of goals gets me pumped to raise the bar and see how far we can go this year. Those who've been bellydancing for awhile would probably agree with this ... that through the dance they've been able to look inward easier than they did before they discovered bellydancing. The power this dance holds for us on an emotional and spiritual level is astonishing. Maybe some of you newbies have discovered already. And if you haven't, I think you will if you open your hearts to all that bellydance has to offer your mind, your body and your soul. Just let it in, to let all the good stuff come out! Here's to wishing you a joyous year of dancing, discovery and exploration wherever you chooe to take your dance. And remember you always have a place to shimmy with your friends and dance sisters at BellyUp! Happy New Year!
Love Joharah xoxox
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