My journey began while looking for something to help alleviate the stress caused by a very rough period of time in my life. I also wanted to restore some quality time with my daughter. I tried going to a local all women's gym which had somewhat helped but I got bored. I tried yoga and pilates but still nothing was settling my mind. I saw an ad in the local paper offering bellydance classes My daughter and I bravely signed up and wonder of wonders it was the most amazing thing I have ever done! I finally found the ability to concentrate on something other than the bad things that were going on. I started to feel alive and come out of my shell I had been hiding in. I started to interact with others again. I spread my wings and flew! My daughter humoured me and danced alongside me (I think she knew I needed someone to hold my hand) for a little while but felt she needed to move on in another direction. One of the biggest things I've learned is that its okay to be any size or shape, and feel good about it! I've also discovered that the music can take me away to a magical place that helps me escape the reality of day to day doldrums and it's a healthy thing to do! Sure, problems continue to come and go but I now I feel better equipped to discern what's worth worrying about and what I can let go.
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