As many of you know, peacock feathers have become the emblem of BellyUpBellyDance Studio. I've always loved peacock feathers. They're incredibly beautiful, intricate and fascinating. So beautiful in fact, I drive an H3 Hummer entirely plastered with them. And if that's not enough, the studio has vases upon vases of hundreds of peacock feathers, our troupe's costume accessories are adorned with them, even my professional photos feature them. God help me if I ever go off them. I thought it would be interesting to share with you some interesting facts I found about the Peacock or Peafowl. Did you know that ....
The peacock is the male variety of the pheasant species. The female is a peahen but both are known as peafowl. They are native to India and Sri Lanka.
Each male peacock keeps a harem of 5 hens which it wins in fierce courtship competition.
The Phoenicians are believed to the be the first to have imported Peafowl to Egypt over 3,000 years ago.
The peacock is mentioned throughout Greek mythology.
In Biblical times, the peacock was transported all over the Middle East as a treasure. In fact King Solomon brought peacocks to Israel.
The early European church looked at the peacock as a religious symbol.
Peacocks are considered sacred in India. Many believe peacock feathers to bring good luck and good fortune.
In some cultures the peacock feather was viewed as evil...the tail seen as the evil eye.
The male peacock's feathers are renewed each year. He proudly display is feathers in the Spring time along with a loud awakening call which is said to sound like a diesel truck's air horn.
The peacock has 200 feathers.
Peacocks are very intelligent and can be trained to come when called.
The peacock flies beautifully and requires a 5 meter runway in order to achieve lift off.
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