Wednesday Night
The Bellydancers of Cairo
Come watch the insightful documentary "Bellydancers of Cairo" from 7-8pm. in the Pink studio. A fantastic documentary with interviews with many of today's biggest performers in Cairo plus many fascinating interviews with famous Egyptian bellydancers such as Dina, Lucy, Samasen , and the legendary Nagua Fouad. This documentary discusses the double standard that exists in Egypt towards bellydance and the sacrifices these incredibly strong and talented women have made in order to dance the dance they love so much. Please be at the studio a few minutes prior to be seated. We'll start promptly at 7pm. No charge!
Valentine's Cabaret with Live Arabic Band
At BellyUp with Performances by Valizan, Joharah, Khizmet and Jennifer
Dance the night away with our live Arabic band "Layali Al Sharq". Party starts at 8pm. Bellydance Show featuring Valizan, Jennifer, Khizmet of Cambridge and Joharah starts at 9pm. Food by Tarboosh Tent, deserts, and more food. Door prizes...even an Ipod Shuffle as our grand prize! Table seating....a few tickets are left so get yours today! A great night out for friends, your partner or girl's night! Advance tickets only. $65 per ticket, includes live band, show and buffet and all the dancing your hips can handle!
Family Day Class
The studio will run only one class on Family day from 6:30-7:30pm. This is a multi-level class. Shelina will be teaching this class and as many of you know, she gives a fantastic class full of fun, creative moves and funky music. And if you haven't taken a class with Shelina as of yet...you're in for a real treat. There will be no morning class on Family Day. Only one evening class. American Tribal Class will take place as regularly scheduled.
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