Tuesday, September 28, 2010

BellyUp's Year of Masters!

It's hard to believe our 2010 year of hosting many of the world's most noteable instructors in the field of bellydance is coming to an end. And another year of planning is in the works for some very exciting new workshops. So stay tuned to BellyUp for more details in the coming months for what's on tap for 2011! During 2010 BellyUp hosted North American dancers such as Aziza, Ranya Renee, Jim Boz and Mira Betz. And from Egypt we were honoured to host my all time dance idol, Egyptian legend Fifi Abdou along with two of today's most popular male dancers Khaled Mahmoud and Mohamed El Hosseny. All we can say is wow! The year has been mind-blowing to say the least. BellyUp students have been so fortunate to be part of the studio that brings this high calibre talent to our bellydance community. To close out 2010, BellyUp is honoured to have Carolena Nericcio and Megha Gavin from FatChanceBellyDance in San Francisco. Carolena Nericcio is the founder and creator...the mother of American Tribal Style dance as we know it. An exciting 2-day workshop is planned with a special curriculum and it sold out months ago! A Gala Show is planned for October 22nd.
As a student of the bellydance art form, taking external workshops in addition to your regular bellydance classes is essential to build your skills and awarenes of other styles, the culture and history of the dance and various types of technique. Not only that, taking outside workshops nourishes your soul as a bellydancer. I live for my intensive vacations where I can get away and study with many wonderfully talented masters and then come back to BellyUp feeling revived and full of a new sense of passion for the dance. New technique and new ways of thinking about old technique, new movements and combinations. choreography, and so much more is taught and shared. My commitment to BellyUp has always been to bring the best of the best to our students in terms of education which is why I sought out leading masters in a variety of dance genres to teach the weekend intensives that we've hosted. We've been so fortunate in that each of these Masters has been generous in their teaching and exceeded our expectations on so many levels.
So next year as you're budgeting for classes, make sure to leave some padding in there for some special outside workshops that will most definitely take your dance to new and exciting heights. You will begin to grow more than you imagined as you learn and develop. You may discover a new niche for yourself, you may find a style or a Master that you wish to continue your study with. Whatever the case you're always in for a great time and a chance to really train hard and focus on your dance intensively.
Stay tuned for more news on BellyUp's coming year of exciting workshops that we'll be hosting! Some very exciting things are planned and news will be released in the months ahead.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moves that drive us nuts!

As students of bellydance we are always learning new moves and growing our skills as dancers and performers. It's important to remember that we all learn differently and our bodies are unique. Some weeks you will take instantly to a new move presented by your teacher while other weeks you'll stumble and feel like a beginner all over again! If you're an eternal student like I am, you will always be stumbling in some way or another trying to grasp more sophisticated technique and movement. If you're not feeling challenged ... there's something wrong. And if you're not making mistakes in class you're not learning. Inevitably you'll find some moves that just drive you crazy and when you find that aspect of your dance that is driving you to the brink of never buying another costume again my advice is to relax and practice that aspect more regularly until it starts to improve. Upping the practice level on moves we love to avoid will bring results for sure. Don't let the move intimidate you...resolve to conquer it in the next month. In some of my classes I often like to take time out with students to address those moves we love to hate. We spend time breaking them down as though we were learning the move or step for the very first time. Everyone gets a chance to offer their challenging move of choice and everyone benefits from a fresh explanation and drills to refine, improve and/or overcome the obstacle that move has presented. So for the next two weeks, pick a move that's been bugging you and practice it every day. It may not even be a move - might be finger cymbals, veil or cane twirling. Commit to nailing it and you will! Happy hip drops, Joharah.

Monday, September 06, 2010

Open House September 11th - Join us!

I love our seasonal open houses. They mark the start of a brand new session at BellyUp that's always full of new material, inspiration, great music and lots of new faces joining our amazing community of student bellydancers. New visitors are always in awe of our gorgeous studio space. There's nothing like it anywhere and they feel the bellydance vibe the moment they step through the door! I'm so proud of our studio - it's beautiful space and all the wonderful people within BellyUp that make it such a special studio with an energy that is hard to beat! We love everything about bellydance and it shows in everything we do! The Fall Open House is open to everyone who would like to try classes at BellyUp and is interested in possibly registering for the Fall session. We have demo classes running from 11am. to 4pm. We start the day with our newest class "Dancer Conditioning & Pilates" - what a killer workout this is. I felt fantastic after taking my first class with Ondyena. Don't miss this one. Valizan is on board to give an American Tribal Style demo class early in the day. I'll be offering a variety of bellydance classes from the Beginner sampler, to Bellydance Combinations & Drum Solo Technique to a Bellydance Choreography class. Sahar will be with us too for a Kids Bellydance class ages 6-13 plus two of her awesome Zumba classes! Check out the schedule of upcoming classes on our web site www.bellyup.ca under Upcoming Attractions. We have a drawing for a class card for the Fall sesssion and lots of great deals if you sign up with a friend or friends. Look forward to seeing you next Saturday! Joharah

Sunday, September 05, 2010

New Web Site Addition - Student's Practice Kit

Nothing like having a week off from teaching where I can work on some of the things that get pushed aside when the studio is open and I'm busy teaching. I've added a new section to the BellyUp web site designed for the BellyUp student. It's full of practice tips to help you with your at home practice, we'll have video clips of famous bellydancers that you should watch to better understand the dance form, links to good articles for you to read about the dance form, along with music suggestions for bellydancers and much more. I'll include some practice combinations for you to use at home too ... when I get the time I'll even videotape some combinations so you can have me at home dancing with you. This section is not to take the place of your class time. Getting to class regularly is essential for your development as a bellydance student. In class is where technique is broken down. This portion of the web site is only to remind you of what you need to practice and to support your journey into bellydance. Please share with me any suggestions you have for additional things I can cover to help you with your practice. I'd be delighted to include them if they are applicable and will add value to our student's progress. See you soon, Joharah