Monday, September 06, 2010

Open House September 11th - Join us!

I love our seasonal open houses. They mark the start of a brand new session at BellyUp that's always full of new material, inspiration, great music and lots of new faces joining our amazing community of student bellydancers. New visitors are always in awe of our gorgeous studio space. There's nothing like it anywhere and they feel the bellydance vibe the moment they step through the door! I'm so proud of our studio - it's beautiful space and all the wonderful people within BellyUp that make it such a special studio with an energy that is hard to beat! We love everything about bellydance and it shows in everything we do! The Fall Open House is open to everyone who would like to try classes at BellyUp and is interested in possibly registering for the Fall session. We have demo classes running from 11am. to 4pm. We start the day with our newest class "Dancer Conditioning & Pilates" - what a killer workout this is. I felt fantastic after taking my first class with Ondyena. Don't miss this one. Valizan is on board to give an American Tribal Style demo class early in the day. I'll be offering a variety of bellydance classes from the Beginner sampler, to Bellydance Combinations & Drum Solo Technique to a Bellydance Choreography class. Sahar will be with us too for a Kids Bellydance class ages 6-13 plus two of her awesome Zumba classes! Check out the schedule of upcoming classes on our web site under Upcoming Attractions. We have a drawing for a class card for the Fall sesssion and lots of great deals if you sign up with a friend or friends. Look forward to seeing you next Saturday! Joharah

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