Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Moves that drive us nuts!

As students of bellydance we are always learning new moves and growing our skills as dancers and performers. It's important to remember that we all learn differently and our bodies are unique. Some weeks you will take instantly to a new move presented by your teacher while other weeks you'll stumble and feel like a beginner all over again! If you're an eternal student like I am, you will always be stumbling in some way or another trying to grasp more sophisticated technique and movement. If you're not feeling challenged ... there's something wrong. And if you're not making mistakes in class you're not learning. Inevitably you'll find some moves that just drive you crazy and when you find that aspect of your dance that is driving you to the brink of never buying another costume again my advice is to relax and practice that aspect more regularly until it starts to improve. Upping the practice level on moves we love to avoid will bring results for sure. Don't let the move intimidate you...resolve to conquer it in the next month. In some of my classes I often like to take time out with students to address those moves we love to hate. We spend time breaking them down as though we were learning the move or step for the very first time. Everyone gets a chance to offer their challenging move of choice and everyone benefits from a fresh explanation and drills to refine, improve and/or overcome the obstacle that move has presented. So for the next two weeks, pick a move that's been bugging you and practice it every day. It may not even be a move - might be finger cymbals, veil or cane twirling. Commit to nailing it and you will! Happy hip drops, Joharah.

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